Complaint Resolution
If you have a complaint against any Child Support Office for any action or inaction regarding your child support case, you have the right to request complaint resolution. Prior to filing a complaint, we attempt to resolve any complaints through your caseworker and/or their supervisor. If you are still not satisfied with the results:
- You can initiate a complaint in writing by completing and submitting a Complaint Resolution Form to any Child Support Office, the form can be found here or by calling (866) 901-3212.
- Your request for complaint resolution must be made within 90 days from the date you knew, or should have known, about the subject of your complaint.
- The Child Support Office has 30 days from the date it receives your complaint to give you a written resolution of your complaint. The Child Support Office will contact you if it needs more information or time to resolve your complaint.
State Hearing Process
You have a right to a State Hearing if you have gone through the complaint resolution process and you are not satisfied with the Child Support Office's written response to your complaint:
- Your request for a State Hearing must be made within 90 days of the date you received the Child Support Office's written decision to your complaint.
- If the Child Support Office does not respond to your complaint in writing, you must request a State Hearing within 90 days from the date of your complaint to the Child Support Office
You may contact the Ombudsperson Unit at (866) 901-3212 or email centralsierra@centralsierra.cse.ca.gov.
The following issues are not subject to the complaint resolution process:
- Child Support issues requiring a motion, order to show cause, or appeal in court
- A review of any court order for child support or child support arrears
- A court order or equivalent determination of parentage
- A court order for spousal support
- Child custody or visitation determination
- Complaints of alleged discourteous treatment by a local child support agency employee, unless such conduct resulted in a hearable action or inaction